Saturday, September 19, 2015

Anniversary Party Sneak Peek

Hello Penguins,

Recently Megg released us some sneak peeks of the upcoming Anniversary Party. From the looks of it, it is going to be a blast. 10 years of Club Penguin seems like a lot, but many other games have been on for over 10 years.

Here are some images,

Looks like Rockhopper, right? :D

Members on desktop computers will be-able to adopt the two kinds of species of puffles. The Black T-Rex and Pink Triceratops puffles. Also the Gold puffle is making a return to Club Penguin, and everyone will be-able to adopt a puffle from October 1-21.

I am really excited for this party, and what it has to offer.

Thank you guys for reading this posts!

I'll see you all later!


Monday, September 14, 2015

September Ideas (Unscrambled)

Hello Penguins,


I am sorry I haven't been posting lately, but I was sick, then I started school, and a lot have events have went on in the past few weeks. I hope you forgive me.

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The Club Penguin Blog recently released a post about what is going to be happened this September. The things are

  • disney decendants party
  • national wildlife month
  • talk like a pirate day
  • national video game day
  • teddy bear day
  • read a book day
  • remember when....
  • share your memories (10 anniversary video)
I hope you guys are looking forward to the days, and parties that are to come. I am especially looking forward to the 10th Anniversary Video. Tell me what you guys are excited for,

Thank you guys for reading this post!

I'll see you in the next one!
