Friday, February 27, 2015

Sound Studio App Is Now Out for Android and Apple Devices! (Benefits Compared)

Hello penguins!

Recently, Club Penguin has released a new app that lets you create your own music, and hear other people's music too. The name of the app is called Sound Studio. Sound Studio is a music recorder that can now be played on Android, and also the PC.

Here are links to download the app:
Now, here are some of the benefits you get online, and things you get in the app, and NOT online!

  • the simple types of music (pop, rock, dubstep, jazz, dance, spooky)
  • make music option
  • instructions
  • saved tracks
  • Exclusive DJ Cadence mode
  • special little intro in the beginning
  • CP Radio
  • Store
  • saved tracks
  • play
So guys, that is the summary of this brand new Sound Studio app. My app crashes when I try to play the song I created, so I would recommend playing your songs on the PC rather than the mobile, but besides that, the app is great!


Thursday, February 12, 2015


Hello Penguins!

On February 12, 2015, we have reached 13,000 views. A year ago we were at a 1,000, now we are at 13,000! Thanks guys soooooooo much for your support!

I will continue to make videos about Club Penguin, and continue to be there for you guys when you need news. I will continue to do Club Penguin just for you guys, and blog!

Thanks again penguins!


Let's Get to 13,000 Views Tonight (CURRENTLY AT 12,990 VIEWS)

Hello Penguins!

Lets get 13,00 views on this website!
