Monday, December 21, 2015

I'm Back!

Hello Penguins!

I am back on business on this blog. I have just been really busy with school lately, and I haven't had time to post lately.

I've also been focusing more on my YouTube which has to do with some Club Penguin, but mostly Minecraft and other games.

I hope you guys can forgive me.



Saturday, September 19, 2015

Anniversary Party Sneak Peek

Hello Penguins,

Recently Megg released us some sneak peeks of the upcoming Anniversary Party. From the looks of it, it is going to be a blast. 10 years of Club Penguin seems like a lot, but many other games have been on for over 10 years.

Here are some images,

Looks like Rockhopper, right? :D

Members on desktop computers will be-able to adopt the two kinds of species of puffles. The Black T-Rex and Pink Triceratops puffles. Also the Gold puffle is making a return to Club Penguin, and everyone will be-able to adopt a puffle from October 1-21.

I am really excited for this party, and what it has to offer.

Thank you guys for reading this posts!

I'll see you all later!


Monday, September 14, 2015

September Ideas (Unscrambled)

Hello Penguins,


I am sorry I haven't been posting lately, but I was sick, then I started school, and a lot have events have went on in the past few weeks. I hope you forgive me.

----                                                                                                                                               ---------
The Club Penguin Blog recently released a post about what is going to be happened this September. The things are

  • disney decendants party
  • national wildlife month
  • talk like a pirate day
  • national video game day
  • teddy bear day
  • read a book day
  • remember when....
  • share your memories (10 anniversary video)
I hope you guys are looking forward to the days, and parties that are to come. I am especially looking forward to the 10th Anniversary Video. Tell me what you guys are excited for,

Thank you guys for reading this post!

I'll see you in the next one!


Saturday, July 18, 2015

Meet Rockhopper Animated Short/Also with some Meetup Times

Hello Penguins!

Welcome to another post. Today Club Penguin has posted another one of their pretty cool animations with Rockhopper in it. Here it is!

So I thought this animation was pretty cool, but that isn't it. Club Penguin has also released some meetup times for you to meet Rockhopper.
Here they are,
Thursday, July 16
 * 10:00am on the server Chinook
 * 3:00pm on the server Wool Socks
Friday, July 17
 * 10:30am on the server Cloudy
 * 5:00pm on the server Rainbow
Saturday, July 18
 * 11:00am on the server Cozy
 * 3:30pm on the server Sherbet
Monday, July 20
 * 2:30pm on the server Northern Lights
Tuesday, July 21
 * 10:00am on the server Frosty
 * 3:00pm on the server Mammoth

Keep in mind, these times are in PST time (Penguin Standard Time), so be sure to check the Snow Fort's clock for the times provided for when you can meet Rockhopper.

Well guys, I hope you guys did enjoy this post. I'll see you guys in the next one!


Friday, July 10, 2015

Inside Out Party 2015

Hello penguins!

Club Penguin has released another video for the Inside Out Party. This party is soon coming to Club Penguin!

Here is a little video that reveals what the characters from Inside Out would look like.

I think the characters actually look pretty cool. They really did a good job on making the characters look like from the movie.

Well, I hope you guys really did enjoy this post. I'll see you in the next one!


Featured Fan Art - June 2015

Hello Penguins!

Welcome to another blog post! Club Penguin has made another video for fan art. This time it is for the month of June.

I bet they can't wait for you guys to send fan art to Club Penguin for July.

Here is the video for June's fan art!

Well guys, I hope you guys did enjoy that video.

Be sure to go visit the official Club Penguin blog for more posts, and also mine for more updates.

Well that is about it guys.

I hope you guys did enjoy this post, and I'll see you in the next one!


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

What's New Page is Getting a Makeover

Hello Penguins!

Today, Club Penguin has announced that the What's New page is getting a makeover. Here is a little sneak peek of the makeover Club Penguin is going to give it.

Anyways guys, I really like the display of this page, and I can't wait to see how it looks when it is actually released.

I hope you guys did enjoy this post, and I'll see you in the next one!


Gary the Gadget Guy Meet-Up Times

Hello Penguins!

Club Penguin has released some new meet up times for you to go meet Gary the Gadget Guy on Club Penguin!

Here they are!

Wednesday, June 17 

* 9:00am on the server Iceland * 2:30pm on the server Mittens 

Thursday, June 18 

* 9:00am on the server Cloudy * 3:30pm on the server Cozy 

Friday, June 19 

* 10:30am on the server Fog * 2:30pm on the server Jack Frost 

Saturday, June 20 

* 11:30am on the server Chinook * 3:00pm on the server Crystal 

Sunday, June 21 

* 9:30am on the server Northern Lights * 1:00pm on the server Mammoth 

Monday, June 22 

* 10:30am on the server Wool Socks * 12:30pm on the server Northern Lights 

Tuesday, June 23 

* 11:00am on the server Cozy * 2:30pm on the server Mittens 

Anyways guys, I hope you guys did enjoy this post! Thanks for 15,100 views so quickly, and I hope you have a great day!


Thursday, June 11, 2015


Hello Penguins!

Last night, we officially got 15,000 in total views. Now this is a big accomplishment to me. It seems like just yesterday I was only at 10,000.

Thank you guys for all your support on this blog, and checking it often!


Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Who Wore it the Best?

Hello Penguins!

Yesterday, Club Penguin released a new topic that they will be doing for this month. If you dress as the subject Club Penguin gives for that month, you might be showcased. This month's theme is to be something of the EPF, or a secret agent.

Here is Megg's costume!

Good luck guys, you might be showcased for this month's topic!

Thanks for reading this post!


Featured Fan Art- May 2015

Hello penguins!

A few days ago, Megg posted a new post on the Club Penguin Blog. They have decided to make another video to show all of your beautiful fan art to everyone in the Club Penguin community. Here is the video!

I loved the fan art lots of you sent Club Penguin. The theme for this month's fan art is secret agents. So good luck guys, and thanks for reading this post!

See you guys later!


Friday, June 5, 2015


Hello Penguins!

We have been doing so well, and I am proud to present that we have a DOMAIN!


I accomplished this because of you guys supporting this blog, and coming back to it every day for even more posts.

I can't thank you guys enough!

You guys can use

to get to this amazing blog that has grown so far in my opinion. 

Thank you guys again!

I really appreciate all of you. See you in the next post!


Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Puffle Poster

Hello Penguins!

A couple of days ago on the Club Penguin Blog, we got released a huge poster full of puffles, and some facts about each one.

  To see what the puffle facts are of each puffle, on your keyboard, press ( Ctrl(+) or (-) )

If you zoom in closely, there are some puffles that have not been discovered yet, and that we might likely have in Club Penguin for adoption.

There are also RUMOR puffles in this poster! There are two images that are revealed of the RUMOR puffles!

These images are of the "Black Bat" and the "Purple Turkish Van Cat."

But there are other RUMOR puffles such as a Yeti, Lava, Skunk, and even a Octopus that have no picture yet!

Be sure to browse this picture yourself as there are many puffles we may be seeing come very soon!

Thanks for picking this blog to read your news!

Custom Domain Coming Soon


Thursday, May 21, 2015

Sushi Drop Is Dead

Hello Penguins!

Today I am sorry to say, but Club Penguin has removed the exclusive mobile game, Sushi Drop. They designed a new interface that looks decent, but has no Sushi Drop game whatsoever.

However, if you want to help us get back this incredible game, be sure to go sign this petition.
 Petition Link

Anyways, if it doesn't come back, let the sushi RIP.


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Free Rainbow Puffles On The Club Penguin App? + Puffles are Excited Too (VIDEO)

Hello Penguins!

Today I am here to alert you that soon, you guys will be-able to get free rainbow puffles off of the Club Penguin app that you can get on your ANDROID/IOS device!

----Rainbow Puffles Can Only Be Adopted Through May 21 to June 3-----

Anyways, you should probably log in that time for your free rainbow puffle! I know I will even though I am already a member! That is right! Non-members can get their free rainbow puffle!
See you in the next post!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Featured Fan Art- April 2015 Video

Hello penguins!

On May 5, Megg released a video with some of the amazing fan art, done by you guys! Here is the video right below here!
In my opinion, all of the fan art looks GREAT! What do you think about the fan art? If you would like to submit fan art to Club Penguin, click here! 
Anyways guys, thanks for coming to this post! Be sure to see me in the next one!


What's New At The Fair 2015? Video

Hello penguins!

A few days ago, Club Penguin released a little teaser video for what we will be seeing in the upcoming Fair.

To give you a sneak peek of a new room, Ninja and Sir Champion put together a video to show you what a room looks like from start to finish!
Looks like it will be a blast, from what we are seeing. Hopefully a great fair!
What do you guys think of this? Do you think this fair will be better than the last? Do you like that they include some of the past rooms in the newer fairs?

See you guys in the next post!

Coming Back To Posting!

Hello penguins!

Today I am here to inform you that this blog will be getting revamped with what is coming up, and will start being active again.

I really enjoy you guys coming to this blog for the latest news. I will be keeping this blog up, and posting more on it very soon!

Be sure to be on the lookout for the next post!


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Ski Lodge Rebuild Coming and Puffle Party Story

Hello Penguins!

Recently on Club Penguin's blog, they have announced that the Ski Lodge is going to be rebuilt. They have showed us a concept art of it below. Well guys, here is the image.

Club Penguin has also released a little story about the new Puffle Party coming up soon! The riddle is:

Before this year’s Puffle Party begins, players will discover ______ has rebuilt the Ski Lodge as a new ________! In the _____ there is a large fishcake that is being saved to eat during the Puffle Party. When the party starts, PH announces that someone, or something, has broken in and eaten the fishcake… but who... or what? Players must first __________ before they head out into the wild. Once there, they will be able to access rooms with ___________, that ____________ and coax out new and different wild puffles. As they draw the puffles out, players realize that ________.

Well guys, you can try to solve the riddle to hear the full plot of the Puffle Party coming soon!

Anyways guys, thanks for coming to this post!

See you guys soon!


Friday, February 27, 2015

Sound Studio App Is Now Out for Android and Apple Devices! (Benefits Compared)

Hello penguins!

Recently, Club Penguin has released a new app that lets you create your own music, and hear other people's music too. The name of the app is called Sound Studio. Sound Studio is a music recorder that can now be played on Android, and also the PC.

Here are links to download the app:
Now, here are some of the benefits you get online, and things you get in the app, and NOT online!

  • the simple types of music (pop, rock, dubstep, jazz, dance, spooky)
  • make music option
  • instructions
  • saved tracks
  • Exclusive DJ Cadence mode
  • special little intro in the beginning
  • CP Radio
  • Store
  • saved tracks
  • play
So guys, that is the summary of this brand new Sound Studio app. My app crashes when I try to play the song I created, so I would recommend playing your songs on the PC rather than the mobile, but besides that, the app is great!


Thursday, February 12, 2015


Hello Penguins!

On February 12, 2015, we have reached 13,000 views. A year ago we were at a 1,000, now we are at 13,000! Thanks guys soooooooo much for your support!

I will continue to make videos about Club Penguin, and continue to be there for you guys when you need news. I will continue to do Club Penguin just for you guys, and blog!

Thanks again penguins!


Let's Get to 13,000 Views Tonight (CURRENTLY AT 12,990 VIEWS)

Hello Penguins!

Lets get 13,00 views on this website!


Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Blog Has Been Updated!

Hello Penguins!

My blog has been updated for the Star Wars Rebels party coming later this month!

The widgets at the side of the blog have been updated.

I will be updating the widgets with the latest videos and news I can get!


Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 IS HERE!

Hello Penguins!

2015 has arrived!

Now 2015 is going to give out lots of fun such as

Hiding Places UPDATE

AND ALSO..........


Stay Tuned!
