Saturday, July 27, 2013

1,000 Coins- July 27, 2013

Hello Penguins!

Want coins? Then check out this video with two codes, both equaling 1,000 coins. Here's the video!

I am going to spend my coins wisely, aren't you?

Well, bye!


New Pin R2D2 Puffle Hat Pin!

Hello Penguins!

There is a new pin out for the Star Wars Takeover, and it is the newest R2D2 puffle hat. Here, check it out!

Awesome right? Might be one of the best pins, don't you think?

Well, bye!


Star Wars Party Cheats 2013 Club Penguin

Hello Penguins!

Here are the cheats for the new party, the Star Wars Takeover!

Look awesome right? The Star Wars Party is pretty cool. Tell us what you think in the comments.


New Website Trailer!

Hello Penguins!

Here is a new trailer for 2 of my best websites, this one, and another one! Check it out!

Cool video, huh? Tell me what you think in the comments.


Saturday, July 13, 2013

Now Hiring!

Waddle On Episodes (all episodes currently available)

Hello Penguins!

Club Penguin has made a new comedy series on You Tube called #WaddleOn. It is really funny! I laughed very, very hard! :D LOL! See these episodes!

Episode 1:

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Remember, when a new video comes out, I will post it on here, okay?


Friday, July 12, 2013

New item

Hey guys its Racer417 here and i know i havent posted for a looong time.So anyways i like to share with you 2 new unlockable codes the first 1 is:DisneyMu and that unlocks a Jox costume.The second one is:BARONFEL and that unlocks a TIE clone trooper so here are the pics:

Soooo what do you think?leave a comment

Monday, July 8, 2013

Club Penguin University Part 3: EXCLUSIVE Music

Hello Penguins!

As you know to refresh your mind, the new University is coming to Club Penguin this Friday. We already saw the sketch of the room, what the outside of the room looked like, and now MUSIC of the room! Check it out!

Doesn't that sound like some awesome music for a new room? That now might be one of my favorite songs CP has made. What do you think of this awesome ROCK music? Tell me in the comments!


Friday, July 5, 2013

Club Penguin University Coming Soon Part 2

Hello Penguins!

As I have in one of my posts told you the 2 things that were leading up to the new room. It is a University! We figured it out already before Polo Field revealed it on the Club Penguin Blog. A+ to people who guessed it before his post. Well, in Polo Field's post, it shows a picture of the outside. Take a look!

It is right next to the Mine, and the Mine has got it's new design. I wonder where the Recycling Center will be. Well, what do you think about this? Tell me in the comments. I'm EXCITED!


Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th Of July!

Hello guys!

Happy 4th of July! Can't wait! Tonight I am going to watch some fireworks on the Macy's Firework Spectacular tonight on at 8-11 PM. It is going to be spectacular, as I saw through the previews. Here is a video I made for this holiday.

I hope you liked the video! See you guys later!


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Star Wars Takeover Trailer: Official

Hello Penguins!

Club Penguin is about to face Herbert again in a action-packed party called the Star Wars Takeover. Lots of action packed into this video. Take a look!

To be honest, I am not really into Star Wars. But by the looks of this trailer, I might be starting to fit in it. So tell me in teh comments what you think about this video!


Evan's #2 Party Happening!

Hello Penguins!

I just had a awesome party on Husky! Thx Poofy, Ready445, and I think Lady Gaga 17 for coming! Now let me share about all our times.

We had fun hanging out at the nice stadium!

We lost Ready445 a lot! We always had to go find him! Ready445 said, " The map is evil. " meaning that he clicked a place he didn't want to go to. 
We had saw some very, and I mean very weird things. We also saw weird names.
We went inside the Lighthouse to see Ready445 play very awesome on his piano.

We told some very great jokes. I mean, they were pretty funny! LOL!

Then, as usual, we lost Ready445 again!

He came back down, and said he was at the Beacon wishing Elmo would come to Club Penguin.Then sadly, Pofey had to leave, and Ready445 got in an argument with Gypsygirl09. I can tell you, it was bad.

Then it ended. Hope you guys liked the party. Here is also a video of the party!

That is the end! Hope you liked the party! Until the next new thing, or party, bye!


Monday, July 1, 2013

More New Hiding Places Coming Soon and Some Updates On Catalogs Including A Sneak Peek!

Hello Penguins!

As you have heard one of the admins say, we will be updating the Hiding Places soon. Indeed, they will be of some only hiding places at the Monster's University Party. That whole page will be looking good soon, but there is still construction going on at that page.

Now let me get to the updates on the upcoming catalogs. Club Penguin has changed when the Furniture Catalog and the Penguin Style Catalog. The Penguin Style Catalog will update on July 10th, and the Furniture Catalog will update July 17th. Now here is a quick sneak peek of one of the pages in the upcoming Penguin Style Catalog!

Pretty awesome, right? Stay tuned for more!


SPOILER: Unreleased My Penguin App Items

Hello Penguins!

If you looked at this post, I bet you really don't like surprises. Anyway, today I am going to tell you some spoiler news. Today, I found eight items, that were unreleased, and maybe will be released in the new Android version, or in the new My Penguin, exclusive shop only on the IPAD. Well, here are the items!

Don't they look cool or what? I am going to get the grey a light blue jacket and the fish necklace. What are you going to get? Tell me in the comments.
